I mentioned in the email that I thought we could have an apron exchange for the upcoming holiday season. What do you think? I discovered this idea from another blogspot called
http://apronswap.blogspot.com/ Check it out to see what I am talking about.
That particular one is more involved. Each of the members has their own blog and the swap is secret. You only know who you are sending one to not who is sending to you. It is your responsibility to research the person you are making an apron for and try to make one that fits their personality. It is a bit more involved. I am willing to get as involved in it as you girls are.
Post some thoughts on it and let me know what you think. I would ideally like to do the swap by the week of Thanksgiving so we can have them to wear for the holidays. But if that is too soon we can do it the first week of December.
megan -
love the apron idea...but i don't know if i have the time this semester - certainly not to make one. you might have to count me out of that part.
Kristie suggested either making or buying an apron for the swap. That is totally cool with me. Whatever you girls think you'll have time for.
Hey Megan,
I will have to pass on the apron exchange, although it is such a great idea. We just have way to much during the holidays. The blog looks great, by the way!
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